Tag Archives: EngAM3

Poetry, Poetry, POETRY!

10 Jan

TASK: Poetry and Me

Complete the following sentence starters on your thoughts on poetry. Write in sentences/paragraphs.

  • I think…
  • I like…
  • I’m nervous…
  • I wonder…
  • I’m not looking forward to…

Once you have completed these, save them, print them, and put them in your folder.

TASK 2: A little browsing

There are loads of great poetry resources online. Read as many as many poems as you can.  Collect the ones you like:

  1. Open a new word document and title it “Poetry Anthology M2”
  2. When you find a poem you like copy the text and the URL (website address)
  3. Aim to collect at least 3 poems that you like.

Try these sources for a WIDE variety of poetry:

Poetry Foundation

Poetry Station – good collection of recorded poetry

Australian Poetry Library


Poets Personal Sites

Michael Rosen

Jack Prelutsky

Shel Silverstein

Benjamin Zephaniah

TASK: Poetry Quiz

Complete this poetry quiz. Don’t stress, it is just for me to see how much you know.

Image: ‘r☼sita

The Flies Background

29 Apr

Image: ‘Castaway’

Now that you have read a little of LOTF, lets develop a little background knowledge. In groups, share out the following questions and explore.

1) When was Lord of the Flies written, and where was William Golding from? Try using Webpath Express for detailed information.

2) What was The Children’s Overseas Reception Board? Thoroughly explain when it began, what it was intended to do and why. List several places where children were sent to live.

3) Write a definition of symbolism in your own words. Draw at least three symbols and explain what they symbolize.

4) From Wikipedia: Psyche (n.)- In psychology the psyche is the totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious. Psychology is the study of the psyche.

Look up “conscious mind” and “unconscious mind.” Briefly explain here, in your own words, what is your unconscious?

5) DEFINE “herd mentality” and give examples.


Poetry Anthology Tips and Tools

2 Apr

Hi M3’s ,

Check back here for tips and tools for completing your poetry anthology.

Annotation and Analysis

Two Column Planner

Poetry Writing and Revising

Poetry Revising Techniques


Notes on how to write an editorial

Task and Criteria

Task sheet and criteria sheet

Eating Poetry

5 Mar

You can find our class notes on “Eating Poetry” here.



Gilbert’s Symbols and Motifs

11 Feb

Image: ‘Time Jumper’

It’s great to see you all steadily working through the challenges of the symbols and motif’s task. Here’s a few things for you to consider while you edit your work:


  • Using strong paragraph structure will also help you to develop your ideas. Remember: introduce the point, give an example, then explain it.
  • Your example will consist of paraphrasing a scene from the film. Use a couple of sentences to describe what you see. If you need to, go back and watch the scene. See Mr. Tangey to do this.
  • Your explanation should show what the symbol represents. What is the director trying to suggest by using a water tower, burning the house or using so much food?


  • Vary your sentence length. Key ideas should come in short sentences. Description should use longer sentences. 
  • A common error that many of you are making is the comma splice. Read or listen to my favourite grammarian teach you how to avoid this persistent error.
  • Re-read your work. OUT LOUD!

Keeping these few tips in mind will make a big difference to your writing.