Stylistic Techniques Interview

15 Feb

Use these poems for your stylistic techniques interviews:


Soichiro and Hiroe


Pieces of Poetry: “its like a simile”

3 Feb

Don’t forget to record the following in your notebook for each poetry mini-lesson:

  1. A definition
  2. an example
  3. A poem you like that uses this technique
  4. Try adding a simile to your dialogue poem. Like metaphors, they can be good for adding detail to setting or the actions of characters.

Start off by checking out this neat song on similes and metaphors

TASK: Once you have written a definition, go and locate a simile in Colin Thiele’s poem “Bird in the Classroom”. On the page, write 2 or 3 sentences about what the simile is trying to emphasise. 

Now try it out…

TASK: An Ezra Pound couplet is a two line poem constructed from a simile. Follow these instructions (its the third page) on how to write one of these simple forms. 

Pieces of Poetry: Onomatopoeia

21 Jan

Don’t forget to record the following in your notebook for each poetry mini-lesson:

  1. A definition
  2. an example
  3. A poem you like that uses this technique
  4. Write your own poem that uses this technique

Check out this AWESOME song that explains onomatopoeia:

Use the poetry anthologies to find a good example of onomatopoeia.

Concrete poetry can be a great way to explore onomatopoeia. You can learn more about it here:



Check out the poetry anthologies to find a few other examples. Blue Lipstick is one you can look for.

Pieces of Poetry: Assonance

21 Jan

(alliteration and consonance).

Don’t forget to record the following in your notebook for each poetry mini-lesson:

  1. A definition
  2. an example
  3. A poem you like that uses this technique
  4. Write your own poem that uses this technique

Have a look at explanation of assonance here:

Again returning to my favourite lune, can you locate the assonance:

When the sun’s

rays hit the shades, it

lights up lines.

Originally published here.

Once you have found your own example of poem that uses assonance, try using it on one of the simple poetic forms from Mr. Tangey.

Pieces of Poetry: Metaphor

12 Nov

Don’t forget to record the following in your notebook for each poetry mini-lesson:

  1. A definition
  2. an example
  3. A poem you like that uses this technique
  4. Try adding a metaphor to your dialogue poem. It’s a good one for adding some description about the setting.

Check out this excellent video on metaphor