M5 Exams

Despite what you may think, exams are good way for you to measure how well you are doing in the course. An exam is an endpoint and so lets you see what you know and what you need to work on.

The end of year exam is based on our last unit: The Kite Runner includingThe Poetry of Change.

You have studied two major features inThe Kite Runner: literary aspects of the novel and how the novel has been adapted to film. I have hinted that it is these features that will help you to answer the exam question.

In The Poetry of Change unit we focused on the identification of literary features, including structure and interpretation (why did the poet do that?). Your exam will als feature a poem for you to annotate in as much depth as possible.

Here’s a poem you can use to practice on: Blessing Imtiaz Dharker.


In this exam, you are given the advantage of preparing your ideas before you enter the exam room. This means that you should take the time to REVISE the concepts we have studied and COMPILE a logical set of notes based on the clues I have provided (your note taking should be active, not just “i’m going to bring everything I’ve written into the exam room”).

You may take a set of your notes into the classroom to assist you in this task though you may NOT take in the novel. As discussed in class, this follows a logical sequence of preparation for exams at DP level; it allows you to grow into the exam experience.  Here are the guidlines:

  •  You may take one double sided page (2 single side is acceptable) of notes.
  • These may be typed or handwritten (if typed they should use a font no smaller than 10 points)
  • The notes must be your own work and should be a collection of notes you have taken in class.
  • You cannot take any handouts I have given you into the exam (including the table of differences you compiled in the speed dating task).
  • If I detect plagiarism, your notes will be confiscated but you will still be asked to sit the exam.
For the poem:
  • You might want to use colour to demonstrate your knowledge so take pencils/highlighters etc.


You will be assessed using all three Language A criteria

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